مدونه نادي التثقيف الصحي مدونه نادي التثقيف الصحي

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The importance of exercise during pregnancy

The importance of exercise during pregnancy
- Exercise during pregnancy helps you adapt with your physical and mental needs , It also prepares your body for labor and delivery .
 It can decrease some common discomforts like backaches .-
 It prevents some health issues including Eclampsia .-
 Improves overall health and helps you sleep better .-
What are the best exercises during pregnancy?
The best exercises are such as help get your blood flowing, keep you flexible and reduce your weight . They prepare your muscles for labor and delivery, without any physical stress for you or your baby. Physical exercises include
- Walking, running or jogging :
- Slow or fast walking is good for you as it is usually safe for you provided doing it on sturdy terrain. So, you better exercise in clubs or on treadmill in the gym. Also, you can walk for 30 minutes daily, but take enough rest when you feel tired .
- You can walk only two hours after taking your breakfast. Remember to have a bottle of water or sugar-free juice with you stop as soon as you feel tired .
- Walking keeps you fit helps you have ideal weight during pregnancy, and strengthens your heart even on child birth. Jogging and running are two of the best exercises for your heart and body in general, and to practice during pregnancy in particular. However, doctors advise to practice them only after the third month for 15 minutes .
Swimming :
- Swimming is a great exercise for your heart, lungs, limbs and pelvis. Immersing in water makes you feel light, smooth , relax, and alleviates swelling in your legs .
- Make sure to have an escort or trainer while swimming, even if you are a good swimmer, lest you should have sudden dizziness. Remember: avoid catching cold in winter and Choose hygienic swimming pools and reliable clubs to prevent infections .
You can cycle on a fitness bike at home or in the gym. You may ride the ordinary cycle provided on safe tracks to avoid falling. Cycle only for 15 minutes a day to avoid pelvic pressure .
Yoga :
Yoga calms and relaxes your mind. Yoga can also tone you muscles and joints .
Light Exercises :
You can practice some aerobics to help keep you fit and healthy, activate blood circulation, and strengthen your heart, limbs and pelvis .
What exercises not recommended during pregnancy ?
Avoid such types of exercise during pregnancy where falling, imbalance, or abdominal trauma is more likely. Also, do not practice those activities that require extensive effort, which may affect you and your baby including :
- Jumping as it may cause uterine cramping , especially continuous hopping .
- Team Sports team sports involve tackling and collision with other players, putting you and you baby at risk .
- Tennis and squash both require powerful, quick and jarring movements.
- Skiing, horse riding, diving and mountain climbing  they all require massive physical exertion with the risk of falling. Diving puts more pressure on you and your baby's heart and lungs .

- Combat Sports avoid combat sports, including judo, karate and boxing. Where the risk of blows, beatings and falling is more likely .


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مدونه نادي التثقيف الصحي